

Functional Neurology is a focus on how the brain and nervous system are functioning. This is done by looking into how the brain has developed during childhood through a series of exams and tests. If anything is abnormal in the initial exam, it indicates that certain parts of the brain have not developed to their fullest potential, and because the brain controls everything else, this can create the difficulties your child has been experiencing. The good news is that the brain’s development and function can be improved through specific chiropractic adjustments and brain-focused rehabilitation.

What are the symptoms of an

underdeveloped brain?

There are many symptoms and disorders that can be the result of an underdeveloped brain.

The following list gives a small sample of these:

What causes the brain to not

develop properly?

A child’s brain starts developing during the third week of gestation and continues until about the age of 25; with the most significant changes taking place during the first 3 years of childhood. During these first 3 years a child requires lots of different stimulations, movements, and nurturing to develop every part of the brain, and it needs to be free of major stressors (i.e chemicals, mental/emotional stress, physical stress/traumas).

Some things that can delay proper brain development include but are not limited to:


  • Whether or not your child needs Functional Neurology care depends on their childhood history, current presentation of issues, and how well they have responded to previous pediatric chiropractic care. It is often recommended that more severe cases start with functional neurology chiropractic care, while others often improve with just chiropractic adjustments specific to improving the nervous system and brain function.

  • The care consists of a specific way of adjusting the body, Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) for emotional stresses on the brain, brain-building exercises in the clinic and at home, and diet or supplement changes if necessary. Re-exams are performed often to monitor progress and to move through each stage of development until the brain is fully developed and functioning at its best.

  • The answer to this question varies from patient to patient. Typically, the more severe the developmental delay, the more involved the care will be and the longer it will take to fully work through the program. However, because the brain is still developing until the age of 25, children often respond positively and change quickly.

  • The 6 Stages of Development are the major stages that children go through in the first few years of their lives. They progress in a certain order as one stage helps to build the other, but there is some overlap between them. The stages are as follows:

    1.       Primitive Reflexes (automatic reflexes in babies)

    2.       Core and Posture (abdominal and back/neck muscle strength)

    3.       Vestibular (head and eye balance)

    4.       Oculomotor (eye movement)

    5.       Cerebellar (body coordination/balance and special senses)

    6.       Extremity Muscle Strength and Coordination (arm and leg muscles strength and movement)

What to expect:

Functional Neurology Fee Schedule:

Initial Exam


FN Therapy


Manual Therapy


Cell Science System Labs

Therapy brush



$30 per 15 min


$10 per 5 min

$15 per 5 min


$10 each

Dr. Alex Habeger

Call the office to schedule an appointment:
